Celebrating 250 Years of Our Country
Click on this video to learn about The Boone Trace and it’s impact on the founding of our country.
Welcome to Boone Trace 1775
This web site is dedicated to the sole purpose of saving and preserving Boone Trace, the trail blazed by Daniel Boone and his thirty “axemen” in March and April of 1775 from North Carolina, through the Cumberland Gap to Boonesborough.
No other road is of greater historical significance to the founding of Kentucky and opening of the west than “that little road.” And it comes right up through the heart of Kentucky!
Join the Event
Trek the trace as part of the 250th Commemoration. Join in as one of Boone’s Axemen.
Click Here to Sign Up.
Commemorative events begin with a “Pass the Axe” Relay Hike starting at a kick-off celebration April 23 in Kingsport, TN, at the Long Island of the Holston where Boone Trace began in 1775, The Relay Hike continues through daily walking segments along the entire 240-mile route ending on June 7 at Fort Boonesborough State Park, KY. The Fort Boonesborough Foundation is hosting a 2-day commemoration of the Founding of Fort Boonesborough and the Settling of Kentucky.
Join us for all of the 250th Events - https://www.boonetrace250.com
250th Events
More details at https://www.boonetrace250.com
Want to know more about The Boone Trace - Click here for an article by Author, Randell Jones.
Boone's America
Boone Trace 1775
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Friends of Boone Trace 1775
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